Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Mother's Day Breakfast

What a wonderful morning we all enjoyed. Thank you for coming and supporting our Nursery School! Isn't it wonderful to see what three hundred women strong, can accomplish! From the delicious food to the inspiring words of the Devar Torah to the humorous dynamic guest speaker and lovely decor we can truly say our morning was a great success. A special THANK YOU to our wonderful PTA committee who worked tirelessly to put the breakfast together so ably. May this be the start of many more great events in the future. Stay tuned to see how your child's class and classroom will PG benefit from the funds raised at this event.

THANK YOU to parents and friends for you positive feedback. Here are just a few comments....
"The breakfast was absolutely beautiful."
"Thank you for a lovely morning, B"H, it was a great success."
"You can be very proud of your event, everyone was so warm and welcoming, and it was done so professionally."
"What a wonderful way to spend mother's day, from the speaker to the food, everything was great."

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