Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Bikkurim Pre Shavuos Parade

One of the highlights of our preparation for Shavuos in Torah Academy Nursery School is our annual Bikkurim Parade, where the children from play school to pre-aleph bring baskets of fruit and veg to give to Yad Aharon , an organisation which feeds close to 600 families on a weekly basis. The Representatives of Yah Aharon explained to the children how happy the poor people will be to receive fruits and veg for Shavuos.
Thank you to all our wonderful parents for the great support, our children are learning the great importance of Tzedokah at a very young age.
Wishing you all a wonderful Shavuos.
Kabbalas Hatorah B'simcha U'bpnimius!!!

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