Thursday, July 22, 2010

Third term

Welcome back to our third term.

As a follow on to our prep for Tisha B' Av we are concentrating on various Mitzvos, Mitzvah walls, Mitzvah trains etc... This will lead up to our preparation for Rosh Hashonah in the month of Elul when we will concentrate on Teshuvah, Tefillah and Tzedokah.

We are sure you have noticed that our Nursery School is now in the beginning of the journey of our extreme makeover. The walls are being painted thanks to your support at the Mothers Day Breakfast. Watch this space for the next stage of our makeover.

The teachers have been attending a series of workshops to keep up to date with the continuing evolution of Erly Cildhood Eucation. we are also part of an international, interactive, Chabad Early Childhood forum where we are constantly in touch with top educators from around the world through online workshops, computer conference calls, hook ups and email. This networking has enhanced our thinking, planning, etc... and has been very beneficial to all.

Have a great third term filled with growth and nachas.

We are always here for you,

Morah Mish and Morah Dini

Friday, July 16, 2010

Gimmel Tammuz celebrations

In honour of Gimmel Tammuz, the children were very lucky to watch a special concert by Morah Esther's class who did a fantastic job. To make the day really special, the whole school ate a delicious hot dog lunch together.