Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The Matzah Man came to visit!

The Matzah Man came to school to explain to the children that there are some families who don't have food for Pesach and they can help by bringing in food for these families. (Thank you to those of you who have so far sent in food, for those of you who still want to, there is a food bin for Pesach food at the office!)

The children learned a new song, each got a Pesach puzzle and got to shake hands with the Matzah man!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Shushan Purim fun!

In honour of Shushan Purim many fun activities happened in the nursery school!
The Play school children had 'horse' rides- in honour of Mordechai riding the kings horse.

The 3's and 4's got to play on an incredible jumping castle, swing on a carousel, dance and ride horses!

Prep Pre Aleph and Pre Aleph joined the primary school for a wonderful clown, juggling and dog show!

Monday, March 8, 2010


We would like to wish a hearty mazaltov to Morah Mish on her birthday! May you continue to receive much nachas from your children, grand children, and of course students!! Much health and happiness for the year ahead!


The internet at Torah Academy has been down for over a week and therefore the blog has not been updated!